About the Law

The Law "On Waste Management" enters into force in July 2023, according to which local communities must sort at least 10% of waste by 2025, and this share must increase in the future.


residents of villages and small towns have one big common problem
- lack of a normal opportunity to dispose of household waste - 
we saw an opportunity to help residents of villages and towns earn money by sorting waste

We are the team of the V.I.P.Consulting company, who are also concerned about sorting garbage in our homes. Therefore, we have developed a set of tools and offer you systematic support in the process of using them.

We offer you:


Economic analysis of the needs of the community in the field of collection, storage, sale of household waste, and the calculation of its economic effect for the community and the EcoSalon operator.


Help in the creation of EcoSalons, which will solve the issue of collecting, selling the household waste and distributing the resources obtained from this activity.


A package of legal documents for EcoSalon Operators and consulting support.


Mobile application ECO (Android | iOS) that records the participation of all parties in the process of collecting and transferring waste, i.e. records the time, volume, type and cost of sold waste, as well as distributes the money received from it


Creating a model of the necessary set of machinery and equipment (transport, containers, packaging) for optimal collection, transportation, storage and sale of household waste in rural areas

Benefits for

Private entrepreneurs

- get the opportunity to quickly create EcoSalons for waste management at the local level, as well as productive cooperation with operators of EcoSalons in neighboring markets

Local communities

-          minimize financial and organizational costs for ensuring the waste management process
-          receive operational and qualified consulting support, which is necessary for following the Law "On Waste Management"

Every family

- receives the technical capability and information necessary for waste sorting
- receives personal and material benefits from fulfilling the duty provided by the Law

The state and investors

- receive an up-to-date and reliable database of all processes related to waste management at the local level for planning, control and management

The country

- receives a reduction in the number of unauthorized and dangerous sources of accumulation and destruction of human waste products